ライブラリー | バージョン | ライセンス | 説明 | 作者 |
composer/semver | 1.4.0 | MIT | Semver library that offers utilities, version constraint parsing and validation. | Nils Adermann、Jordi Boggiano と Rob Bast |
cssjanus/cssjanus | 1.1.2 | Apache-2.0 | Convert CSS stylesheets between left-to-right and right-to-left. | |
firebase/php-jwt | 3.0.0 | BSD-3-Clause | A simple library to encode and decode JSON Web Tokens (JWT) in PHP. Should conform to the current spec. | Neuman Vong と Anant Narayanan |
justinrainbow/json-schema | 1.6.1 | BSD-3-Clause | A library to validate a json schema. | Bruno Prieto Reis、Justin Rainbow、Igor Wiedler と Robert Schönthal |
liuggio/statsd-php-client | 1.0.18 | MIT | Statsd (Object Oriented) client library for PHP | Giulio De Donato |
mediawiki/at-ease | 1.1.0 | GPL-2.0+ | Safe replacement to @ for suppressing warnings. | Tim Starling と MediaWiki developers |
monolog/monolog | 1.18.2 | MIT | Sends your logs to files, sockets, inboxes, databases and various web services | Jordi Boggiano |
nmred/kafka-php | 0.1.5 | BSD-3-Clause | Kafka client for php | |
oojs/oojs-ui | 0.17.1 | MIT | Provides library of common widgets, layouts, and windows. | Timo Tijhof、Bartosz Dziewoński、Ed Sanders、James D. Forrester、Kirsten Menger-Anderson、Rob Moen、Roan Kattouw、Trevor Parscal、Kunal Mehta と Prateek Saxena |
oyejorge/less.php | | Apache-2.0 | PHP port of the Javascript version of LESS http://lesscss.org | Matt Agar、Martin Jantošovič と Josh Schmidt |
pear/console_getopt | 1.4.1 | BSD-2-Clause | More info available on: http://pear.php.net/package/Console_Getopt | Greg Beaver、Andrei Zmievski と Stig Bakken |
pear/mail | 1.3.0 | BSD-2-Clause | Class that provides multiple interfaces for sending emails. | Chuck Hagenbuch、Richard Heyes と Aleksander Machniak |
pear/mail_mime | 1.10.0 | BSD Style | Mail_Mime provides classes to create MIME messages | Cipriano Groenendal と Aleksander Machniak |
pear/mail_mime-decode | | BSD-2-Clause | More info available on: http://pear.php.net/package/Mail_mimeDecode | Cipriano Groenendal と Aleksander Machniak |
pear/net_smtp | 1.7.1 | PHP License | An implementation of the SMTP protocol | Jon Parise と Chuck Hagenbuch |
pear/net_socket | 1.0.14 | PHP License | More info available on: http://pear.php.net/package/Net_Socket | Chuck Hagenbuch、Aleksander Machniak と Stig Bakken |
pear/pear-core-minimal | 1.10.1 | BSD-3-Clause | Minimal set of PEAR core files to be used as composer dependency | Christian Weiske |
pear/pear_exception | 1.0.0 | BSD-2-Clause | The PEAR Exception base class. | Helgi Thormar と Greg Beaver |
psr/log | 1.0.0 | MIT | Common interface for logging libraries | PHP-FIG |
ruflin/elastica | 2.3.1 | MIT | Elasticsearch Client | Nicolas Ruflin |
symfony/process | 3.0.4 | MIT | Symfony Process Component | Fabien Potencier と Symfony Community |
wikimedia/assert | 0.2.2 | MIT | Provides runtime assertions | Daniel Kinzler |
wikimedia/avro | 1.7.7 | Apache-2.0 | A library for using Apache Avro with PHP. | Michael Glaesemann、Andy Wick、Saleem Shafi、A B、Doug Cutting と Tom White |
wikimedia/base-convert | 1.0.1 | GPL-2.0+ | Convert an arbitrarily-long string from one numeric base to another, optionally zero-padding to a minimum column width. | Brion Vibber と Tyler Romeo |
wikimedia/cdb | 1.3.0 | GPL-2.0+ | Constant Database (CDB) wrapper library for PHP. Provides pure-PHP fallback when dba_* functions are absent. | Tim Starling、Chad Horohoe と Ori Livneh |
wikimedia/cldr-plural-rule-parser | 1.0.0 | GPL-2.0+ | Evaluates plural rules specified in the CLDR project notation. | Tim Starling と Niklas Laxström |
wikimedia/composer-merge-plugin | 1.3.1 | MIT | Composer plugin to merge multiple composer.json files | Bryan Davis |
wikimedia/html-formatter | 1.0.1 | GPL-2.0+ | Performs transformations of HTML by wrapping around libxml2 and working around its countless bugs. | MediaWiki contributors |
wikimedia/ip-set | 1.1.0 | GPL-2.0+ | Efficiently match IP addresses against a set of CIDR specifications. | Brandon Black |
wikimedia/php-session-serializer | 1.0.3 | GPL-2.0+ | Provides methods like PHP's session_encode and session_decode that don't mess with $_SESSION | Brad Jorsch |
wikimedia/relpath | 1.0.3 | MIT | Compute a relative filepath between two paths. | Ori Livneh |
wikimedia/running-stat | 1.1.0 | GPL-2.0+ | PHP implementations of online statistical algorithms | Ori Livneh |
wikimedia/textcat | 1.1.3 | LGPL-2.1 | PHP port of the TextCat language guesser utility, see http://odur.let.rug.nl/~vannoord/TextCat/. | Stanislav Malyshev |
wikimedia/utfnormal | 1.0.3 | GPL-2.0+ | Contains Unicode normalization routines, including both pure PHP implementations and automatic use of the 'intl' PHP extension when present | Brion Vibber |
wikimedia/wrappedstring | 2.0.0 | MIT | Automatically compact sequentially-outputted strings that share a common prefix / suffix pair. | Timo Tijhof |
zordius/lightncandy | 0.23 | MIT | An extremely fast PHP implementation of handlebars ( http://handlebarsjs.com/ ) and mustache ( http://mustache.github.io/ ). | Zordius Chen |